Hula Dancing Books

  • My Vacation with Grandma
    This is a story about a girl who goes on a vacation with her grandma and sister. She gets to go to different places on vacation and has neat experiences while on vacation.
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  • Hula Dancing
    An informative alphabet book about hula dancing in Hawaii, covering its history, costumes, music, and cultural significance.
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  • Global Diversity
    A brief overview of traditional clothing from different cultures around the world.
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  • Aloha Hawaii
    This book is for ED 211 and is about Hawaiian History
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  • Reading is Magic
    A student shares their love for reading, favorite books, and aspirations to become a teacher.
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  • ABC's of Hawaii
    An alphabetical guide to Hawaiian culture, covering topics from flowers and volcanoes to hula and ukuleles.
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  • Aloha! From Hawaii
    This is an informative book about Hawaii, covering various aspects from A to Z. Each letter represents a unique aspect of Hawaiian culture, geography, or history.
  • Hawaii's History
    A brief overview of the history and culture of Hawaii, including its Polynesian origins, settlement by Tahitians, Hula dancing, pineapple and sugar industries, and a mention …
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