Human Society Books

  • LittleBird
    LittleBird is the story of a lonley pigeon who just wants to be cared for, that is, until he met the kind, old Bird Lady...
    This book is suitable for 9-12 years of age.
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  • Jonathan Swift
    Gulliver goes on four voyages, encountering different societies and reflecting on human nature.
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    A brief history of how humans domesticated animals and their role in modern society.
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  • Interdependence
    The story explains the concept of interdependence, giving examples from nature and human society.
  • ALBA
    Disabled teenagers are visible!
    This book is dedicated to Alba, a girl from Spain, who is one of the many fearless warriors in this world! Discover her story, find out ho…
    A description of global warming and its potential effects on Earth's climate, ecosystems, and human society.
  • Flow Like Mengzi
    Mengzi, a philosopher, believes in the inherent goodness of humans and the importance of virtue, education, and benevolent leadership for a strong society.
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