Humanity Books

  • When I Am An Adult
    A thought-provoking poem about the future of Earth and humanity, raising questions about war, environmental impact, and personal growth.
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  • If the Moon Could Talk . . .
    A poetic reflection on the moon's potential thoughts and its connection to God and humanity.
    Humanity matters by Shireen Singh Brar #social skills# teamwork# volunteering# to do together#
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  • What Makes us Human?
    I had to answer this question at school, and I thought you all would find my opinion interesting. Please comment!
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  • Humanity
    The story discusses the importance of friendship, respecting elders, having a family, and protecting wildlife in achieving humanity.
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  • Internal Night
    The story is a detailed account of the protagonist's experiences in concentration camps during the Holocaust. It explores themes of faith, humanity, and survival.
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  • My First Book
    Two friends, Angry and Happy, explore the world and encounter both positive and negative impacts of their species on humans and nature.
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  • 128 DAYS LATER
    The small town of Crumblewood, England becomes the epicenter for a zombie outbreak. The entire town is panicked. Well, all except for 9 year old Dolores who sees the humanity…
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