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Summary of Chapter 1 :
Elie is one of four children, Hilda, Bea, and Tzipora. Elie was interested
in becoming a cabbalist, but he received disapproval from his father.
He met Moche who was a poor man living in the community, that
became a mentor to Elie. (religion) Moche the Beadle was taken
prisoner by Gustappo and after surviving the ensuing slaughter, tried
to tell people his story to warn, but they didn't listen to him.
Eventually, German troops appeared in Sighet, removing valuables
from all Jewish homes, forcing the Jews to wear a yellow star and
setting up ghettos. Elie's father was called to council to be deported.
The first wave of Jews are deported. Elie and his family were sealed
into a cattle car for deportation filled with 80 people.

"Optimism soon revived." (page 19)
It was almost exactly one year ago, when my cousins living in
Hawaii were getting ready to be taken by the state. I
remember getting a phone call from their case worker telling
my dad that they were up for foster and were needing a
home. My family and I were optimistic about making the
choice to try and have them live with us or tell the case
worker we can't. I think making the decision to help my
cousins benefited my family and I, because we are now in the
foster care system, and working on trying to help my family.

Literary Device:
"He was as awkward as a clown" (page 13) -
Wiesel uses this simile to clarify that Moche
was physically awkward because clowns are
usually associated with being clumsy, which is
what Wiesel wanted to help the reader

Symbol : The symbol of a blind eye stands for
denial. This concept shows up in Chapter 1
when Moche warns the Jews about what is
going to happen, and they happen and they
ignored him so "denial" is an appropriate
concept to this chapter.

Chapter 2 :
Cattle Cars

Summary :
Ellie and his family were leaving the ghetto and were packed into a cattle car
filled with 80 people. They sat piled in the cattle car for three days, dying of
thirst and aching from hunger. The air became hot and the stench of the people
became strong. While they were riding in the cattle car, a German soldier took
all of the gold and silver possessions of the Jews aboard, and reported to them
that if any of them were to be missing they were to be shot and killed like dogs.
There is a lady aboard who is about the age of 50 and she is with her 10 year old
son, her name is Madame Schachter. Madame starts to yell and scream about
this fire that nobody sees. Repeatedly she screams and points at a mysterious
fire that only she sees. They believe she has gone mad and is crazy. Finally, the
train arrives at Auschwitz a labor camp with fair treatment, and a place to see
your family, is what they were told. When the Jews get off the train they are in
for a rude awakening. Ellie sees the fire that Madame was talking about, he
smells the terrible odor of burning human flesh, and Ellie sees the strange
people dressed in the striped clothing.

Quote : "Jews, look! Look through your
window! Flames! Look!" (page 36)
When my dad called me to tell me that my
older brother was in the hospital with both of
his legs broken, I didn't believe him at first.
The reason for that is, it was april fools day.

Literary Device :
"You'll all be shot like dogs." (page 33)
A German soldier uses this simile to compare
the Jews to dogs. The Jews are being tortured
in the cattle cars and thrown and piled in like
dogs. They aren't receiving fair treatment.

Symbol :
A blind eye. The reason I used a blind eye, is
because of Madame Schachter screaming of
the fire burning. The other people aboard on
the cattle were blinded of seeing til they
reached the crematories.

Chapter 3 :

Summary :
The lives of the Jews were just getting ready to change. All possessions were to be left in the train. All
the Jews were gathered in a huge crowd and were separated, men to the left and women to the right.
Ellie and his father had to leave his mother and younger sister Tzipora. Ellie and his father were told by
a prisoner that in order to stay alive, they were to lie about their ages. Ellie was now 18, and his father
40. Ellie and his father soon find out about the crematories and are told that’s where they are heading.
The men are then separated to the left and right based on age and profession Ellie and his father still
remained together. They begin to march and with each step Ellie can see the piles of babies and
children piled by the crematories, and the smell only gets stronger. Ellie begins to think why would God
let this happen? What has happened to humanity? This is a nightmare, this can't be real. Ellie decides
right then and there to abandon his faith. He tells his father he wants to run to the electric fence
rather than burn alive. They stop marching and are told to strip from all clothing leaving belts and
shoes in hand. They then were moved to the barbers and all their hair was clipped and shaven off. They
move to the showers and arrived at the barracks where they were given ratty uniforms. They later
march to the outer side of Auschwitz and were in cement two story buildings. The officer assigned to
their barrack was a nice man, and treated the Jews kindly. Later, the officers find out about the fair
treatment and replace the officer with a cruel and savage man. Three weeks pass by in Auschwitz and
Ellie and his father are met by Stein, a cousin of the family. Ellie remembers him right off the bat, but
his father can't remember Stein. He asks about his family, how they are doing, and if they are alive.
Ellie knows what happened to his family, but doesn't want Stein to lose all his hope and reports that
his family is doing fine and remains together. Those three weeks feel like an eternity to Ellie.

Quote :
"Humanity? , Humanity is not concerned with
us. Today anything is allowed. Anything is
possible, even these crematories." (page 42)

father is right when he says anything is
possible, today anything is allowed.
I can remember watching the news and
hearing about a police officer shooting
an innocent little kid at the age of 6, on

Literary Device : (page 43)
Repetition, when Ellie repeats never shall
I forget the first night in camp that made
each night eternal, the smoke, the little
faces of the children, the flames that
consumed his faith forever, the nocturnal
silence, and never shall I forget those
moments which murdered my God and
my soul and turned my dreams to dust.

Symbol :
Cherished objects. I chose cherished objects as a
symbol for Chapter 3, because at this point of the
story nothing mattered everything was left behind.
Ellie and his father had to separate from his
mother and his younger sister Tzipora. They had to
give their wedding rings, any jewelry and all gold
and silver up. The one suitcase they packed was
left in the cattle cars. They couldn't even have one
suitcase of their own.

Chapter 4

Summary :
- Moved to Buna
- Elie and his father now work in an electrical warehouse and Idek is the Kappo
- A fat German is in charge of Elie and his fathers barrack, one of his assistants tells
Elie that in exchange for his shoes, he will make sure Elie gets into a good labor unit
- Elie refuses to part with his shoes
- Elie has a gold crown and makes excuses to the dentist, so that he won't remove
Elie's crown
- Elie meets the French girl, that lies about being German. The French girl is very
kind to Ellie
- Elie's father gets beaten by Idek, Elie's mind is brainwashed by the unhuman camp
they're in and is angry at his father for getting beaten
- Franek the assistant leader decides to use Elie's fathers weakness to get the gold
crown from Elie
- Elie snooped on Idek, and he was later whiped 25 times infront of the whole block
for spying on him
- Buna becomes bombed, and all the prisoners are happy about it
- Elie witnesses a man getting Polish man getting hung for stealing during the air raid
- A little boy described as having the face of angel is also hung infront of everyone,
he was called the Pipel
- Elie describes his as the worst to watch, because he did not die immediately
- Elie said that the soup tasted of corpses that day

Quote : "Where is God now?"
(page 72)
I can relate to this quote because of all the
terrorist attacks in Paris.

Literary Device : "Jealousy consumed us,
burned us up like straw." (page 67)
This literary device shows and example of two
literary devices, a simile and personification.
The first part shows an example of
personification, because it's explaining how
jealousy consumed their lives. The second part
is a simile because it compares jealousy to a
burning straw.

Symbol : A symbol from Chapter 4 is the
Scales of Justice, it shows the balance of right
and wrong. I used this symbol, because in this
chapter the characters faced many
punishments and consequences because of
wrong actions. The characters in the story
have to balance their thoughts and actions.

Chapter 5 :

Summary of Chapter 5 :
- Elie continues to rebel against God, and not participate in the fast,
also because his father said not to.
- It is Elie and his fathers turn for selections. Elie was given advice on
how to pass the selections.
- Eile's father is unsure how long he can make it, so he decided to give
Elie his inheritance. Elie received a spoon and a knife from his father.
- Elie was placed into the hospital, because of his swollen foot.
- Elie was opertaed on, but no major surgery.
- Elie is concerned about staying in the hospital for 2 weeks, because
he is afraid of dying there. Elie later finds out those who were left in the
hospital were liberated.
- The head of the blocks command all the prisoners to clean and mop
the floors, because they don't want people to see how dirty and filthy
things are.
- After cleaning, the prisoners are commanded to start their march in the snow.

Quote : (page 89)
"Yet another last night. The last night
at home, the last night in the ghetto,
the last night in the train, and, now,
the last night in Buna. How much
longer were our lives to be dragged
out from one 'last night' to another?"
I can think of a time when I was at
the hospital for my older brother. The
night seemed endless, because of
how long we sat in the hospital room.
It seemed like time was slowed down
that night, we just wanted my brother
to be healthy and to return back

Literary Device : (page 82)
" The whole day, I wandered about as if
sleepwalking. "
The simile describes how Elie is under
stress and pressure about taking care of
his father, and now it's really starting to
get to him.

Symbol : Ball and Chain
In this chapter, Elie feels like he is
completely responsible for his father.
Elie carries his father around like a
burden on his back, or like a ball on a
chain. Elie is always worried and
stressed about his father.

Chapter 6 : The March
The Jews were being transported and were told to run
the whole way there in the icy wind and snow. Anyone
that stopped along the way was shot on the spot. After
hours of running and pure torture, they are allowed
rest. Elie and his father find a small shed to rest in.
Elie's father reminds Elie not to sleep, because sleep is
death. The next day they continue the march to
Gleiwitz. Their packed into a cattle car to arrive at
Gleiwitz. When they arrive the place is extremely
crowded and filled with people. They are forced to
sleep piled on top of each other fighting for air. Elie
heers Juliek playing his violin in the night, and feels
sorrow for Juliek because his violin is being smashed.
Three days later when Elie is awake, he sees Juliek's
corspe, and his violin laying next to him.

Literary Device : " A great tidal wave
of mrn came rolling onward and would
have crushed me like an ant." (page
Elie describes himself as an ant
compared to the huge stampede of
people. Elie uses this to show how
small he is compared to all of the
prisoners marching.

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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2015 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Summary of Chapter 1 :
Elie is one of four children, Hilda, Bea, and Tzipora. Elie was interested
in becoming a cabbalist, but he received disapproval from his father.
He met Moche who was a poor man living in the community, that
became a mentor to Elie. (religion) Moche the Beadle was taken
prisoner by Gustappo and after surviving the ensuing slaughter, tried
to tell people his story to warn, but they didn't listen to him.
Eventually, German troops appeared in Sighet, removing valuables
from all Jewish homes, forcing the Jews to wear a yellow star and
setting up ghettos. Elie's father was called to council to be deported.
The first wave of Jews are deported. Elie and his family were sealed
into a cattle car for deportation filled with 80 people.

"Optimism soon revived." (page 19)
It was almost exactly one year ago, when my cousins living in
Hawaii were getting ready to be taken by the state. I
remember getting a phone call from their case worker telling
my dad that they were up for foster and were needing a
home. My family and I were optimistic about making the
choice to try and have them live with us or tell the case
worker we can't. I think making the decision to help my
cousins benefited my family and I, because we are now in the
foster care system, and working on trying to help my family.

Literary Device:
"He was as awkward as a clown" (page 13) -
Wiesel uses this simile to clarify that Moche
was physically awkward because clowns are
usually associated with being clumsy, which is
what Wiesel wanted to help the reader

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