would've listened to Moche they could have been saved.
As well if the outsiders would have listened
to the screams and torture of the victims
they could have been saved before it was too late.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2015 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Before the Torture
-Wiesel,one of four children: Hilda,Bia, and Tzipora, was interested in becoming
a cabbalist, much to the disapproval of his father
- He met Moche the Beadle, a poor man in the community, who became a
mentor to Wiesel( in relation to the cabbala).
-Moche was taken prisoner by Hungarian police and, after surviving the ensuing
slaughter, tried to tell people his story to warn them, but they didn't believe
-Eventually German officers appeared in Sighet removing valuables from all
Jewish houses, forcing the Jewish people to wear a yellow star and setting up
-His father was called to a council meeting where he learned the next day they
would be deported
-Wiesel was sent to warn the neighbors
-Two days later his family was lined up by the Hungarian Police
Wiesel and his family were sealed in a cattle car for deportation, which had 80
people per car

"He was as awkward as a clown"(page 13)
Wiesel uses this simile to clarify that Moche
was physically awkward because clowns are
usually associated with being clumsy, which is
what Wiesel wanted to help the reader

"Optimism soon revived."(pg19)
In my freshman year I had to give a big
speech. I was stressed out about,but I stayed
positive and told myself I would do great. This
positivity helped me get an A on the speech.

The symbol of a blind eye
stands for denial.This
shows up in chapter one
when Moche tries to
warn the Jewish
community and they
ignored him. So denial is
an appropriate concept
to tie to this chapter.

-The people on the cattle cars took turns lying
-Madame Schachter started crying about fire
- the other people tried to quiet her down
-few men bound and gagged her
-They reached Birkenou

"Look! Look at it! Fire! A terrible fire!"(pg 34)
This literary device is foreshadowing. The
foreshadowing is relevant to the story because
it hints to the crematorium and tortures to
come. Madame Shacher's screams were
ignored, but she really conveyed a prophetic

"Our nerves had reached a breaking point."
(pg 34)
This quote relates to my life because it explains
the feeling of a breaking point. Wiesel explains
how they couldn't take Madame Schacher's
cries any longer. Often when studying I cant
handle the stress and reach breaking points of
my own.

The fire relates to this
chapter because Madame
Schachte cried about
seeing a fire. This turned
out to be foreshadowing
for future tragedy. The
burning fire is a symbol
for death and fear like the

Arriving at Auschwitz
-The cattle car arrived at Auschwitz
-men were sent too the left and women to the right
-an SS officer told Wiesel and his father to lie about their
-Elie and heads she started to question God
-they were given new clothes and their heads were
-they were told to work or go to the crematorium
-a relative arrived asking about his family and Elie lied
about them

"in one ultimate moment of lucidity it seemed to me we
were damned souls wandering in the half world, souls
condemned to wander through space till the generations
of man come to an end, seeking obviation-without hope
of finding it."(pg45)
This quote is an example of imagery. This detailed quote
gave insight to the despair of the victims of the
concentration camps.The intense detail reveals a vision
of confusion and hopeless suffering these people

"You must never lose faith, even when the sword
hangs over your head."(pg 40)
This quote applies to my life because my faith is
very important to me. It shows how it is the most
important thing even in death to keep faith. It can
be difficult to keep faith while Elie was faced with
death I often am teased for my faith. This quote
reminds me it is important to never deny my faith.

This image of clothing
relates to the chapter
because when Wiesel
and his father were in
the camp they were
given random clothing

- camp looked empty and dead
- Wiesel and the others waited to be enlisted in work
- The Komando or work group is the worst
-Dental examination looking for gold teeth/crowns
-Eli avoids loosing crown by faking illness
-Idek is Kapo a little crazy
-Eli meets a French girl pretending to be Aryan who
protects him
-Idek sleeping with a polish girl- Elie sees and given
25 lashes
- Camp is bombed and a man tries to steal soup but is

"He lept on me like a wild animal."(pg 60)
This quote is a simile describing Eli's kapo, Idek,
who was violent and unpredictable. Wild animals
can not be controlled and as an animal Idek was
uncontrollable and crazed.

"Saying those few words to you was risky: but I
knew you wouldn't give me away..."(pg 61)
This quote was what the French girl said to Elie
when they met again in Paris. This quote relates
to me because it shows how she trusted him in a
situation where it could back fire. I also am very
trusting and have had to trust someone in a
situation I didn't trust many.

The symbol I chose
was a stethoscope
because in this
chapter the prisoners
were inspected and
selected by doctors.

-Jews celebrate Rosh Hashanna
-Elie does not ask for forgiveness as he has in past
-On Yom Kippar refuses to fast to mock God
-Dr. Mengele over sees inspection of prisoners
-Eli and his father pass the first but his father is called
back and gives Elie a knife and spoon
- Eli's foot swells and needs surgery
Camp gets evacuated because Russian front is getting
- Eli leaves with his father instead of staying in hospital

"Eternal, Master of the Universe, Who chose us
from among the races to be tortured day and night,
to see our fathers, our mothers, our brothers, end
in the crematory?" (74)
This quote demonstrates powerful imagery. It
captures Eli's anger and doubt in God. This phrase
captures the emotion of a tortured could trying to
understand how their God abandoned or let this
happen to them.

"In the depths of my heart, I felt a great void."(pg
This quote describes the feeling of a lost of faith
and loneliness Eli experiences. I relate to this quote
because I went through a period of loneliness last
year. I always felt a hole in my heart. However,
this year at Plainfield I feel much better.

I chose the symbol of spoon
and knife. This is because
Eli's father gave them to Eli
when he thought he would
die. These were all the
inheritance Eli had.

- SS made jews run in the snow
-SS killed those who couldn't keep up
-Eli's foot bleeding in the snow
-His father told him not to fall asleep in the snow
because he could die
-They took turns watching each other
-Rabbi Eliahou was looking for his son- Eli realizes later
his son tried to lose him
-Juliek plays his violin through the night then dies

" it were as though Juliek's soul were the bow."(pg
This quote is an example of a simile. It describes
the last moments of Juliek's life. He played his
violin with such passion that he played his life in
that song and gave everything he had.
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would've listened to Moche they could have been saved.
As well if the outsiders would have listened
to the screams and torture of the victims
they could have been saved before it was too late.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2015 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Before the Torture
-Wiesel,one of four children: Hilda,Bia, and Tzipora, was interested in becoming
a cabbalist, much to the disapproval of his father
- He met Moche the Beadle, a poor man in the community, who became a
mentor to Wiesel( in relation to the cabbala).
-Moche was taken prisoner by Hungarian police and, after surviving the ensuing
slaughter, tried to tell people his story to warn them, but they didn't believe
-Eventually German officers appeared in Sighet removing valuables from all
Jewish houses, forcing the Jewish people to wear a yellow star and setting up
-His father was called to a council meeting where he learned the next day they
would be deported
-Wiesel was sent to warn the neighbors
-Two days later his family was lined up by the Hungarian Police
Wiesel and his family were sealed in a cattle car for deportation, which had 80
people per car

"He was as awkward as a clown"(page 13)
Wiesel uses this simile to clarify that Moche
was physically awkward because clowns are
usually associated with being clumsy, which is
what Wiesel wanted to help the reader

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