Holocaust Books

  • The Life Of Anne Frank
    The story of Anne Frank, a Jewish girl who went into hiding during World War II and tragically died in a concentration camp.
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  • Holocaust Survivor Iby Knill
    The story follows Iby Knill's journey as a Jewish girl during the Holocaust, her survival in concentration camps, and her life after the war.
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  • The Holocaust
    The story discusses examples of bias during the Holocaust, Salem Witch Trials, and how bias has changed over time.
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  • Internal Night
    The story is a detailed account of the protagonist's experiences in concentration camps during the Holocaust. It explores themes of faith, humanity, and survival.
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  • Character Analysis
    This book can contain many spoilers of the book, "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, " by John Boyne. This is a school project. Hope you enjoy!
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  • Listen
    The story is a detailed account of the protagonist's experiences during the Holocaust. It begins with his life before the war, his deportation to Auschwitz, and his struggle …
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  • Night
    Night is a tragic story of Eliezer, a Jewish teenager in the Holocaust. It depicts his struggles, loss of faith, and eventual liberation.
  • Anne Frank
    The story provides a brief biography of Anne Frank, her family, and the events leading to their capture and death during the Holocaust.
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