Hunter Books

  • The Tiger Who Lost His Roar
    You may not realize the value of something until you have lost it.
    Eye Icon 31744
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  • The Hunters Prayer
    A man goes hunting and teaches his children about nature and family traditions.
    Eye Icon 43
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  • Jasper's Crew
    Enjoy this story about a meerkat, possum, woodpecker, and alligator trying to outsmart a hunter who is after them!


    Jasper the meerkat
    Big A…
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  • Hunter & Jack The Pirate'sDarrring Voyage
    This book is about a boy's dream to be like his Hero and to have adventures just like Jake The Pirate... In this book the pirate is Jack.
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  • A clever deer And A Fool Hunter
    A small and clever deer gets trapped in a hunter's cage but escapes using a clever plan. The story teaches the moral 'Be clever'.
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  • Orion The Hunter
    The story of Orion, a great hunter who meets his match in Scorpius and is eventually immortalized as a constellation in the sky.
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  • Mr. Bacon and the Evil Orca Family
    Mr. Bacon, a pig, becomes a superhero with his friends Mr. Monkey and Hunter the horse. They fight crime and rescue their kidnapped friends on the forbidden island of Gilay T…
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    After being dared to enter 'The Pumpkin Seed Challenge' by his friends, Hunter begins to exhibit some weird symptoms. Eventually his head turns into a pumpkin. But that's not…
    Eye Icon 2318
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