Hunting Books

  • hunting
    Alex's outdoor adventures include catching a deer, rabbit, and fish. After cooking and eating, Alex goes to sleep.
    Eye Icon 669
    Star Icon 69
  • Kaltaq Never Gave Up
    A little boy named Kaltaq, from the Yupik culture, works hard to achieve his goal of going hunting with his father.
    Eye Icon 151
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  • Mr. Crab Goes Shell Hunting
    Mr. Crab goes on a journey to find a new shell, encountering various options along the way. He eventually finds the perfect shell and returns to his old neighborhood.
    Eye Icon 131
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  • Turkey Hunting
    A Turkey Hunting Experience. Does all go well or does all go bad...
    Eye Icon 389
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  • Treasure Hunting
    A pirate crew encounters another ship, battles together, and finds a treasure chest filled with crystals and gold.
    Eye Icon 1118
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  • The Slope Hunting Pirates
    Slope Hunting Pirates who go on an adventure to find buried treasure, and they point out slopes along the way.
    Eye Icon 261
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  • The Hunting Season
    Dan, the leader of a deer herd, guides them through hunting season to safety. One deer dies, but Dan is remembered for his bravery.
    Eye Icon 146
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  • Endangered Animals - Asian Elephants
    Elliot, an Asian elephant, shares facts about his life, diet, and the dangers he faces due to deforestation and hunting.
    Eye Icon 385
    Star Icon 4
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