Hydro Energy Books

  • Renewable Energy
    An informative book that explains what renewable resources are, the six main types of renewable resources, and why we should use them.
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    Wanna know all the evolutions so far ? Then check out this book of eeveelutions! It has awesome pictures, too!
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  • Renewable energy
    The story provides information about the Azores, its renewable energy sources (wind, hydro, geothermal), and their advantages.
  • Hydroelectric Energy
    An informative book about hydroelectric energy, explaining its components, history, benefits, costs, and environmental impact.
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  • The Climate Change Tragedy
    Tommy the turtle and his friends face the devastating effects of climate change in the deep blue sea, but manage to convince humans to change their ways.
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  • Types of Energy
    An informational book about different types of energy, including hydro, wind, light, heat, solar, electrical, sound, mechanical, renewable, and non-renewable sources.
  • Fracking
    Henry, a teacher in North Carolina, learns about fracking with the help of his scientist friend Billy. They discuss the process, its effects on the environment, and alternati…
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  • Alternative Energy
    A brief introduction to hydro and solar energy, explaining how they work and their uses.
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