There is a glossary in the back of the book for the words in red.
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Have you heard of fracking?
Fracking has been on the
news for a while now and
North Carolina's government
currently is thinking about
using it as an energy source.
There are very few people in
North Carolina who know
what it is about.

Fracking has the
possibility of coming to
North Carolina.
Fracking is the process
of drilling into the
ground to get natural
gasses for energy. This
is not good for North
Carolina's environment.

Fracking started in 1947.
Scientists started to
think of new ways to
frack. Horizontal
fracking, a way of drilling
sideways instead of
straight down, was
possible in the 1990's.
People started to question
the safety of fracking.

The United States is
the main place fracking
occurs. There is only
one state that is not
effected by fracking,
Hawaii. The largest
area is in the
Appalachian Mountains
and the Great Lakes.

There is a teacher named
Henry, that wants to teach
his class about fracking. He
was a little confused with
some things. Since he teaches
in North Carolina, he would
like to know how it would
specifically affect the state.
He still wants to learn more
about the subject.

Henry is having
trouble with his plan
on teaching his class
about fracking. He
calls his friend, a
scientist named Billy,
to help him learn more
about fracking. The
scientist knows a lot
about it.

I need
some help.

The scientist talks
about the effects
fracking has on the
environment. These
include pollution,
radioactivity and
seismic events, or
earthquakes as it is
commonly called.

The scientist explains
the negative things at
the fracking sites. These
include gasses being
released into the
atmosphere and
groundwater, chemicals
used, and prices. There
has even been instances
where there were gas

It costs a lot of
money to install a
fracking site and
there are many

Henry wants to
know if there are
any consequences
specifically unique
in North Carolina.
He is very
interested in this
talk about

Are there any
unique to North

Billy talks about the
rocks in North
Carolina letting the
gasses through cracks
into the groundwater,
which can cause
cancer. Groundwater is
one of the main
sources of drinking

I am sorry to
inform you that
you have

Henry would also
like to know if there
is another energy
source to use in
North Carolina since
there are so many
problems with

Is there any
other energy
source to use.

Billy talks about the use of
hydro electrical power.
This is the use of water
energy as electricity for
houses and other buildings.
This is better than
fracking because it causes
little to no pollution. It
would be a good source
because of the large
amount of water in North
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There is a glossary in the back of the book for the words in red.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Have you heard of fracking?
Fracking has been on the
news for a while now and
North Carolina's government
currently is thinking about
using it as an energy source.
There are very few people in
North Carolina who know
what it is about.

Fracking has the
possibility of coming to
North Carolina.
Fracking is the process
of drilling into the
ground to get natural
gasses for energy. This
is not good for North
Carolina's environment.

Fracking started in 1947.
Scientists started to
think of new ways to
frack. Horizontal
fracking, a way of drilling
sideways instead of
straight down, was
possible in the 1990's.
People started to question
the safety of fracking.

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