Fracking Books

  • Fracking
    Henry, a teacher in North Carolina, learns about fracking with the help of his scientist friend Billy. They discuss the process, its effects on the environment, and alternati…
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  • fracking
    Jake discusses the negative effects of fracking on the environment, human health, agriculture, and ecosystems. He also suggests solutions and encourages awareness.
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  • Human Impact
    The book discusses the human impact on Earth, covering topics like agriculture, urbanization, deforestation, population growth, overgrazing, fracking, drilling, mining, natur…
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  • Biome Story
    Two friends witness the negative impact of BP's fracking operations in Alaska and organize a protest to stop it.
  • The Fracking
    Gafitas, a bear with glasses, explains what fracking is and why it's harmful. He discusses the environmental consequences and proposes solutions.
  • Fracking
    Charlie, a resident of Eco-land, discovers a fracking operation causing pollution. With the help of wise turtle, he blocks the road and plants trees to stop the operation and…
  • Super Sci the science guy, Vol.1
    Sci learns about fracking, its process, benefits, and negative effects. He investigates government actions and protests against fracking, advocating for renewable energy.
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  • the texas fracking massacre
    Lacey moves to Texas and allows an oil company to drill on her land. She experiences water contamination and sickness due to fracking, but the company eventually fixes the is…
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