Alternative Energy Books

  • EARTH DAY: Doing Our Part
    This is an educational book about environmental conservation. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a different concept related to the environment, from air quality to zero …
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  • Exploring Alternative Energy
    An informative book about different alternative energy sources, their pros and cons, and their potential to replace fossil fuels.
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  • Chocolate Milk Should Be Banned!
    A persuasive essay arguing against serving chocolate milk in schools due to its high sugar and calorie content, which can lead to childhood obesity.
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  • CAR
    The story discusses the history of transportation, from walking to the invention of the car and future energy alternatives.
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  • Fracking
    Henry, a teacher in North Carolina, learns about fracking with the help of his scientist friend Billy. They discuss the process, its effects on the environment, and alternati…
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  • Alternative Energy with the Princess
    A princess educates about alternative energy sources, their pros and cons, and how they can replace fossil fuels.
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  • Alternative Energy
    A brief introduction to hydro and solar energy, explaining how they work and their uses.
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  • Speedy's Adventure
    Speedy, a race car, dreams of winning a race. He enters the 1st Annual Alternative Race Car Competition and faces challenges to create an eco-friendly fuel cell. Despite setb…
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