teacher and PAA parent.
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asked the princess. "I think today is a
bright sunny day. The sun is not just
used to make the days bright but also
used for energy." said the princess."It is
a great source let me show you how."


is not the best source of energy
but I think it is a great source."said
the princess as she walked to the field
to show you the solar panels.


is renewable, no fuels required,
non-polluting, High efficiency and
operating cost are near zero."said the
princess. "People think it is bad because
Construction and installation cost are high,
hard to compete against cheap natural gas,
and it depends on home location. I think all
those items are just excuses." said the princess
as she arrived to the solar panels.


fuels because it is efficient and replaceable unlike fossil
fuels that take a long time to replace themselves. Solar energy
does not take long to find it is out in the sky ever day of our
lives." said the princess.

fuels is Wind energy. An air movement
that produces energy sounds simple
right but there is a little more to that. It
is an excellent way to create energy."
said the princess. The princess was on her
way to the wind mill farm to show you her
creation of energy.


it is clean energy, renewable, cost are relatively low, and
can be used almost everywhere. Some reasons that people
do not think it is a great energy source is that wind is
unpredictable, the noise that turbines make, wildlife impact,
and locations to place them." said the princess as she arrived
to her wind turbine farm. "I think wind turbines would replace
fossil fuels because they use renewable resources and there
are only some minor things that need to be fixed. They are items
that will help our Earth." said the princess.


can use are biofuels. Biofuels are produced
by living organisms. They contain renewable
resources. I think they are a very helpful
energy source also. The good
things about biofuels is
inherently renewable,
absorbs carbon dioxide,
both CO2 and wastewater
can be used as nutrients and
can be grown on land
unsuitable for other types
of agriculture." stated the princess.
She was headed to her
biofuel farm.

is they need to be grown under controlled
certain temperatures, requires a considerable
amount of land and water, Requires phosphorus
as a fertilizer but it is becoming scarce and
relatively high capitol cost." stated the princess.
"I think that this might not effectively replace fossil fuels
because it requires a lot even though it looks like a little
for example water, land and a specific item in fertilizer."


is nuclear fusion. Sounds like a really cool
name right? Well nuclear fusion is the reaction
of two nuclei combine to form a nucleus
with a release in energy. The good thing about this
is it doesn't produce any green house gases, no chain
reaction, little or no nuclear waste and very low cost."
stated the princess. She was on her way to leave the river.


because it requires extremely high temperatures, could
produce a net negative amount of energy, and would remove
any incentive for restraint in the use of energy. I think
that this will not effectively replace fossil fuels because there
are some cons about this energy that are also major risk and
some are just not willing to take such big risk." said the

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teacher and PAA parent.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

asked the princess. "I think today is a
bright sunny day. The sun is not just
used to make the days bright but also
used for energy." said the princess."It is
a great source let me show you how."


is not the best source of energy
but I think it is a great source."said
the princess as she walked to the field
to show you the solar panels.


is renewable, no fuels required,
non-polluting, High efficiency and
operating cost are near zero."said the
princess. "People think it is bad because
Construction and installation cost are high,
hard to compete against cheap natural gas,
and it depends on home location. I think all
those items are just excuses." said the princess
as she arrived to the solar panels.

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"Alternative Energy with the Princess"
A princess educates about alternative energy sources, their pros and cons, and how they can replace fossil fuels.
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