Hydroelectricity Books

  • A Drop of Energy
    This informative book explores the history and benefits of hydroelectricity, as well as its impact on the environment and limitations. It emphasizes the importance of renewab…
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  • The Best Energy Source!
    Dhilan learns about the benefits and drawbacks of hydroelectric power, leading him to consider building a dam in his town.
  • Northern Europe
    The story provides a detailed overview of Northern Europe, covering its physical features, climate, natural resources, and history. It also delves into the specific character…
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  • Hydroelectric Energy
    An informative book about hydroelectric energy, explaining its components, history, benefits, costs, and environmental impact.
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  • The life of Saci Arya
    Saci Arya, a resident of a developing country in Africa, shares insights about poverty, hydroelectricity, birth and death rates, climate change, and sanitation.
  • The Samurai Who Went Green
    A Samurai discovers that a nearby dump is causing his plants to die. He takes action, learns about non-vegetation, starts recycling, and creates positive change.
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  • Moog Saves The Forest
    Moog, a man who loves the forest, convinces the evil Urbanization to go green and save the Amazon forest.
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