Hypothetical Scenario Books

  • When I was young I used to ............
    A series of questions and prompts about past activities, translations, and a hypothetical scenario about choosing a famous family member.
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  • This is a comprehensive overview of world history, from ancient civilizations to the Cold War. It includes hypothetical scenarios exploring what might have happened if key ev…
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  • activities
    An interview between Edwar and Juliana discussing their routines, favorite movies, vacations, and hypothetical scenarios.
  • The cat
    A cat's life takes a different path based on various hypothetical scenarios, leading to an unexpected outcome.
  • Evidencia Integradora
    The story explores the origins of public education in the US, highlighting key figures and challenges, while also explaining modal verbs through contextual examples from popu…
  • A Peaceful Thanksgiving Dinner Project
    Larry and Velma devise a plan to teach their daughter, MaryAnn, gratitude before Thanksgiving dinner. With the help of candy as an incentive, they successfully teach her mann…
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    A series of hypothetical scenarios exploring what the narrator would do if they were rich, an influencer, Ecuador's President, or mayor of Manta City.
  • Revealing the mysteries of the cosmos
    This book helps people to discover the mysteries of the universe and helps you to learn more about the universe so that you can become a smartie about the universe.
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