Images Books

  • Optical Illusions
    A fun collection of optical illusions. :) Hopefully they'll boggle your mind!
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  • The Mirror Image
    Three friends, Bella, Anais, and Gisselle, enter a haunted house and encounter a demon. They try to perform a ritual to get rid of it but face challenges along the way.
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  • Tepung Ajaib
    Background: google image
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  • Body image
    The book explains what body image is, discusses factors that influence it, and provides tips to improve it. It also includes quotations and a poem about beauty, as well as a …
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  • Brown All Over
    Teaching black culture.

    ✔️ Introduces Discrimination
    ✔️ Covers Kwanzaa
    ✔️ Covers Juneteenth
    ✔️ Covers "What is a Protest" for kids
    ✔️ Contains the B…
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  • Her Story
    This story is about awareness of mental illness that not only can affect adults but also children as well. The images are all drawn by me personally.
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  • A Duck's Sky
    This book is a high energy, super cute childrens book that teaches kids about different types of clouds.This book can be for all ages and you will fall in love with the adora…
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  • images found on
    Peppa, a happy pig, learns to adjust to having a new baby brother and realizes the joy of having a big, happy family.
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