Indian Culture Books

  • Indian Culture
    The Baha family celebrates Diwali, a five-day festival of lights in India. They make Indian Fry Bread and discuss the history of their culture and the impact of diet on healt…
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  • The Little Prince
    Prince, a boy from India who now lives in America, shares his unique experiences and traditions, inviting readers to share their own.
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  • Ancient Indian Cultures
    An overview of ancient Indian civilizations, including Harappan, Indo-Aryan, Vedic cultures, Hinduism, Buddhism, and the Caste System.
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  • MY DEAR MOTHER (Meri Pyari Maa)
    This is book about dear mom who inspires kids to be good, to do good and become a great human in their life. This book is a poem book, written in Hindi and English.
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  • ABC's of American Indians of North Dakota
    An alphabetical guide to American Indian culture, history, and traditions in North Dakota.
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  • India
    An overview of Indian culture, including religion, parenting styles, holidays, and clothing rituals.
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  • The Indian people
    A brief introduction to Indian culture, including food and clothing choices for different genders and ages.
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  • ABC's of Kannada
    A children's book introducing Kannada language and Indian culture through the alphabet, with each letter representing a word or concept.
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