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This book is a collaborative effort by three second-grade classes, providing an informative guide about Indianapolis. It covers various landmarks, institutions, and historica…
by seclark

Paisley, a girl with sensory sensitivities, overcomes her fears and enjoys a visit to The Children's Museum of Indianapolis on a low-sensory day.
by rzorn26

Grayson, Peyton, and Hayden visit a sports park at The Children's Museum of Indianapolis. They try different sports but don't have fun until they play soccer together.

Eric, a boy who used to love The Children's Museum of Indianapolis, grows disinterested as he gets older. However, a visit with his family changes his perspective and he star…
by mhoward1517

Theo reluctantly visits a museum but has a transformative experience when he discovers exhibits on puzzles, mysteries, and history.
by annaliao123

The Children's Museum of Indianapolis is the largest children's museum in the world, offering interactive exhibits and educational experiences for families.

This book is all about the life of Wayne Gretzky and how he became an amazing hockey player!

Sonny and Luna visit a museum but can't agree on which exhibit to see first. Through compromise, they learn to enjoy each other's choices.
by riahspahr

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