Indigenous Culture Books

  • An Adventure of Wounaan Children and Many Birds
    The story is about Wounaan children, Chibau and K'õsi, who learn about their culture, traditions, and the importance of nature through various experiences. They interact with…
  • Cracks, Quakes and Super Storms
    This educational book introduces children to various natural disasters, their causes, and effects. It includes an interactive science experiment and incorporates Indigenous A…
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  • To See With My Heart
    This short story is about using our hearts to see and understand the Seven Grandfather teachings on how people should behave toward others and the Creator through the Indigen…
  • Muddy Banks
    A poetic and cultural exploration of the author's Indigenous Australian heritage, emphasizing the importance of connection to land and ancestors.
  • Minnie Pwerle
    The story of Minnie Pwerle, an Indigenous Australian artist known for her bold and vibrant paintings, her life, and her impact on the art world.
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    A tour of the solar system, narrated by the Sun and each planet. Includes facts about each planet's characteristics and cultural significance.
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  • SECRET PATH How it should have been
    A boy named Ahmet travels back in time to change the indigenous residential school experience, resulting in a positive outcome.
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  • My Practice Book
    In a town plagued by superstition, a young man named Luis challenges the belief in the evil eye and brings hope to his community.
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