Indigenous Peoples Books

  • To See With My Heart
    This short story is about using our hearts to see and understand the Seven Grandfather teachings on how people should behave toward others and the Creator through the Indigen…
  • Who was Jose de Escandon?
    The story of Jose de Escandon, a Spanish explorer and colonizer who founded and governed South Texas and northern Mexico in the 18th century.
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  • An Adventure of Wounaan Children and Many Birds
    The story is about Wounaan children, Chibau and K'õsi, who learn about their culture, traditions, and the importance of nature through various experiences. They interact with…
  • Christopher Columbus Sails to a New World
    Christopher Columbus's journey to the New World, his encounters with indigenous people, and his impact on exploration.
  • Most Memorable journey in my life
    A child recounts their memorable trip to Rangamati, a beautiful place in their country, with friends. They experienced new things and met indigenous people.
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  • The Noongar Seasons Seasons of the Indigenous Noongar People of Western Australia R. Nash
    A book about the Indigenous Seasons in the Perth region of Western Australia, with colorful pictures and a song at the end.
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  • The Story of the Gold Rush
    A brief history of the gold rush, including its impact on indigenous people and Asian immigrants.
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  • Spirit Story
    Cove, a white bear in a family of black bears, embarks on a journey to discover his heritage and why he is different. He learns about his origins from indigenous people, lege…
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