Individualized Learning Books

  • Individualized Learning Plan
    A guide for teachers on how to connect with and support a second-grade student named Brittany, who has dyslexia, ADD, and possible anxiety disorder.
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  • Lilia's Lesson Plan
    A lesson plan for a gifted ballerina named Lilia, focusing on personalized teaching methods and connecting ballet to other subjects.
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  • Lily and Corbin's Last Week of Elementary School
    Lily and Corbin, two 11-year-old students, navigate their last week of school, showcasing their cognitive and moral development through reading, social interactions, and coll…
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  • Learning Tools for Everyone
    A group of diverse children share how they use different learning tools to overcome challenges and learn alongside their friends at school.
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  • How to Study with Disabilities
    Aaron, a student with learning disabilities, shares his experiences studying and the accommodations he receives at school.
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  • A New Perspective: Autism Through My Eyes
    Welcome to my Autism story. Read along as I walk you through my Autism diagnosis and my journey to self confidence and self love!
  • Everyone Learns Differently!
    Benny, a student with dyslexia, shares his experiences in school and how he learns differently. He emphasizes the importance of understanding and supporting students with dif…
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  • Math Journal
    A student's observations of 10 days in a math class, highlighting lessons, activities, and reflections on teaching methods and student learning.
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