Informational Writing Books

  • Information Report e-books
    Year 2 students learn about animals and create their own information report e-books, covering topics such as classification, facts, conclusions, and diagrams.
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  • All about Christa McAuliffe
    An informative book about the life of Christa McAuliffe, the first teacher chosen to join the NASA Teacher in Space project.
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  • My Freaky Frog Book
    A pollywog named Polly gets lost and meets a magical eel who helps him win a race. A short informational piece about poison dart frogs is also included.
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  • The Golden Eagle
    An informational book about golden eagles, covering their habitat, food, adaptation, predators, appearance, and special features.
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  • Flowers
    A simple description of different colors of flowers and a question about personal preference.
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  • Beaver
    A beaver describes its daily activities and habitat. A student reflects on their experience with picture writing and its impact on their creativity.
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  • The United States A Closer Look at the States and Regions.
    An informational text about the states and regions of the United States, providing a list of states in each region.
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  • Poetry Anthology
    A poetry anthology featuring contributions from various authors, with poems about personal qualities and technology in the classroom.
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