Inhaler Books

  • My Asthma Story
    Penny, a penguin with asthma, learns to manage her condition and encourages other kids with asthma to live normal lives.
  • A Special Gift
    Justin, a boy with asthma, struggles to play at recess. His mom gives him an inhaler as a special gift, allowing him to play freely.
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  • How Pepe Tamed the Asthma Monster
    Pepe, a boy with asthma, learns about his condition and how to manage it with the help of his nurse practitioner and supportive family.
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  • Little Billy has Asthma
    Billy, a boy with asthma, learns about his condition and how to manage it so he can still play and do activities like other kids.
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  • Sally has Asthma
    Sally discovers she has asthma and learns how to manage it with an inhaler.
  • Puffles The Brave Polar Bear
    A heart warming tale of a baby polar bear who over comes challenges, an educational story filled with lessons about self-care and friendships, Puffles helps children to under…
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  • Ben's Big Breath
    Ben loves recess but worries about his asthma. With help from Mrs. Puff and his inhaler, he learns to manage his condition and enjoys playing with friends again.
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  • Story Of A Disorder
    Hugh, a boy with asthma, learns about his condition and how to manage it with the help of a doctor.
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