Inner Beauty Books

  • Different Peel Same Apple
    A collection of personal reflections on the importance of inner beauty, diversity, empathy, and self-worth.
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  • Pretty Is as Pretty Does
    Katie, a caterpillar, faces bullying from Bertha the spider but learns to stand up for herself and embrace her inner beauty.
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  • Beauty
    A poetic exploration of different forms of beauty, emphasizing inner qualities and actions.
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  • Artists Aspirations
    A collection of quotes from young artists about their inspirations, techniques, and aspirations in various art forms.
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  • Lola and her Brilliant Feathers
    Lola, a beautiful and kind peacock, is targeted by a jealous bird named Rory. After staining Lola's feathers, the Queen teaches Lola a valuable lesson about inner beauty and …
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  • Faire
    A little fairy is ignored and bullied by her classmates but uses her magic to save the day and teach everyone a lesson about inner beauty.
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  • Princess Eva and The Brave Knight
    Join Princess Eva and her brother Aaron the Brave Knight as they help the sad Dragon find his way home to the Land of Dragons.
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  • Lexi and the Forest Fairy
    A girl named Lexi learns a lesson about kindness and inner beauty after being transformed into a monster for being mean to plants.
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