Innovative Solutions Books

  • Public water utility of Metropolis
    A description of the water industry's challenges and the establishment of a public water utility. It also covers innovative water solutions, waste management, and sustainabil…
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  • Mission Mamgal
    A team from ISRO embarks on a challenging mission to Mars, facing setbacks and finding innovative solutions along the way.
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  • Recycling for a better life ! Yıldız KÖZELO YAVUZ and partners
    A group of friends in a coastal town embark on an environmental mission to recycle and create a more sustainable future.
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  • The Future Is Now Project
    A bear named Bobo and an Eskimo child named Noata become friends and work together to raise awareness about global warming and pollution.
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  • Artificial Intelligence, Robots & Health
    The story discusses the role of artificial intelligence and robots in healthcare, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. It emphasizes the need for collaboration between …
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  • Allison's Day at The Water Reservoir
    Allison, a kind girl in a developing country, confronts men poisoning the water reservoir. She convinces them to stop and they come up with an innovative solution to clean th…
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  • Saving Water, Saving Lives
    Maya, driven by her concern for the environment, leads a movement to save water from pollution. Her resilience and determination inspire others to join her cause, resulting i…
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  • Tech Skills for Beginners Getting your dream tech job.
    Simple guide to getting a job in tech. Choosing your path.
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