Inspiration Books

  • Let Art Play A Part!
    Inspiration for the Artist in all of us! Excellent opening tool for Educators, Parents and those needing a nudge to tap in to their creativity.
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  • Dream Big Bessie!
    This book tells the inspiring story of Bessie Coleman, the first licensed African American female aviator in the United States, and her journey to achieve her dream of becomi…
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  • The Beauty of Life & The Beauty of Nature
    Discover the beauty of the world in simple, relaxing pages and beautiful pictures.
    Eye Icon 7749
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  • Hay Ángeles Allí There Are Angels There
    This is a bilingual book with original artwork, assuring us that angels are all around us. I painted the artwork over the year during the Covid quarantine. It's a great bedti…
    Eye Icon 627
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  • Life Without Food
    A book to inspire people to support Feed My Starving Children, an organization that sends food to hungry children all over the world.
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  • Oh! to FLY!
    A worm wishes to fly and learns from a ladybug that it has wings in its heart. It transforms into a butterfly and embraces its true self.
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  • Artists Aspirations
    A collection of quotes from young artists about their inspirations, techniques, and aspirations in various art forms.
    Eye Icon 379
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    Tori overcomes her fear of dancing on her first day of dance school with the help of her Nanny, and eventually becomes a professional dancer and dance teacher.
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