Interactive Learning Books

  • Kahoot, the perfect interactive learning game!
    Kahoot! is an interactive learning game that engages students in quizzes, discussions, and surveys. It's accessible, free, and can be used for various subjects.
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  • Cracks, Quakes and Super Storms
    This educational book introduces children to various natural disasters, their causes, and effects. It includes an interactive science experiment and incorporates Indigenous A…
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  • Augmented Reality
    An introduction to augmented reality and its potential uses in the classroom, including interactive learning, virtual field trips, and more.
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  • How Do We Learn in EM203?
    The story is an informative piece about various learning theories and the concept of experiential learning. It includes examples, benefits, types, and models of experiential …
  • MIT 822 Module Ten Augmented Reality
    This book provides an overview of augmented reality, its uses in education, and resources for creating AR experiences.
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  • What did I learned in Curriculum?
    The narrator discusses their learning style, the importance of effort, and the benefits of interactive learning.
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  • The Rainbow Fish
    The Rainbow Fish, the most beautiful fish in the ocean, learns the value of sharing and friendship.
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  • Virtual Reality Go Through Virtual Live
    An informative text about Virtual Reality (VR), its definition, and benefits in education, health, entertainment, and art.
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