International Trade Books

  • International Trade
    An introduction to international trade, covering topics such as imports, exports, trade barriers, and trading blocs.
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  • International Trade
    Sam Cooke, a pirate from the Dominican Republic, faces trade barriers and currency exchange challenges while trying to sell his rum in America.
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  • The Adventures of Ruby Doobie
    Ruby learns about international trade and globalization from her dad, exploring how it affects various aspects of their lives.
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  • Shelby Jacobs: African-American Aerospace Engineer
    The biography of Shelby Jacobs, an African-American aerospace engineer who overcame discrimination to make significant contributions to the space industry.
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  • The Adventure of Global Foods.
    Sofia dreams of taking local products global. At a business fair in Europe, she faces challenges but seizes opportunities, leading to her success in international trade and i…
    This book provides information about the blue whale, including its size, behavior, diet, and endangered status. It also discusses efforts to protect blue whales.
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  • Trade
    An informational text about trade, protectionism, economic development, and international agreements like NAFTA.
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  • The Impact of Globalization
    Jada, a girl from the US, and a boy from Jamaica maintain their long-distance relationship through globalization and technology.
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