Ionic Bonding Books

  • The Story of Ionic Bonding
    Oxy and Sodia sail to an island, but Oxy is selfish and takes all the food. They find a treasure, but it's fake. Oxy learns to share.
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  • Ionic Bonding Story Of LithiumBromide!
    A story about the relationship between Lithium and Bromine, who become friends, fall in love, and create desiccant.
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  • Ionic Bonding   By:Samantha .S.
    Sodium, a parkgoer, helps Chlorine by giving him an acorn. They both become happy.
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  • Bond Man: A Chemical Bonding Superhero
    Sodium and chlorine, jealous of the noble gases, learn about ionic and covalent bonds from Bond Man and form sodium chloride and water.
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  • Science
    A story about ionic bonding, explaining the process and rules through a dialogue between Chlorine and Sodium.
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  • chemical bonding's
    This book provides a comprehensive explanation of chemical bonding, including ionic and covalent bonds, valence electrons, and the properties of compounds. It aims to deepen …
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  • In the realm of Chemlandia, Sodium and Chlorine, known as Sunny Na and Christina Cl, form a unique bond through ionic bonding, creating the compound Saltium.
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  • The Story of Chemical bonding
    A fun and educational story about the elements in Chemia and their bonding. Sodium and Chlorine bond through ionic bonding, while Hydrogen and Oxygen bond through covalent bo…
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