Itinerary Books

  • My travel journal to Europe
    A young traveler shares their itinerary for a solo trip to Europe, including visits to Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Berlin, and Budapest.
  • 10 Days in France
    A 10-day itinerary of popular tourist destinations in France, including Paris, Palace of Versailles, Mount St-Michel, and more.
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  • How to Prepare for a Vacation
    A guide to planning a vacation, including tips on booking flights, researching, making reservations, renting a car, and more.
  • Summer Trip to Spain!
    A packing list and itinerary for a trip to Spain, including activities, food, and expenses in Madrid, Seville, and the Canary Islands.
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    A detailed itinerary of a leisure trip to various locations in El Salvador, including hot springs, hikes, and a labyrinth.
  • AUSTRALIA The great barrier reef
    A child's description of their desire to visit the Great Barrier Reef, including facts about the location, weather, attractions, transportation, and itinerary.
  • My future plans
    A brief travel itinerary of the author's plans to visit various attractions in Brazil.
    William and Catalina, friends from Scotland, visit Mallorca and explore various places. They have fun, try local food, and exchange gifts before William leaves.
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