My Public / Unpublished Books (8)

  • Tyler's parents buy him roller skates to encourage him to be active and he discovers the benefits of skating.
    by Rodrigo Hernandez
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  • by Rodrigo Hernandez
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  • A young traveler shares their itinerary for a solo trip to Europe, including visits to Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Berlin, and Budapest.
    by Rodrigo Hernandez
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  • The story discusses the advantages and disadvantages of working for oneself, with the author expressing a preference for self-employment.
    by Rodrigo Hernandez
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  • by Rodrigo Hernandez
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  • The story introduces the Mars Odyssey mission and its accomplishments, including mapping chemical elements and minerals on Mars, breaking records, and serving as a communicat…
    by Rodrigo Hernandez
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  • The Ugong language is an endangered Tibeto-Burman language spoken in Western Thailand. It has a small number of speakers and is at risk of extinction due to displacement and …
    by Rodrigo Hernandez
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  • by Rodrigo Hernandez
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