Japanese Americans Books

  • Sports Around the World
    An ABC book covering a wide range of sports, from A to Z!
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    Aiko Ito, a Japanese American girl, experiences the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II and uses her experience to advocate for social justice.
  • Korematsu vs United States
    The story of Fred Korematsu, a Japanese American who fought against racism and the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II.
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  • Japanese Life in America
    A historical account of the Japanese American internment during World War II, highlighting the discrimination and hardships they faced.
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  • Pearl Harbor
    A summary of the events leading up to and the attack on Pearl Harbor, including the casualties and the aftermath.
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  • Through Fields to Fences
    Kiki, a young Japanese American girl, faces discrimination during WWII and internment in a camp, but finds hope, resilience, and pride in her heritage.
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  • See You Soon, I Love You
    Sara, a Japanese American girl, experiences the hardships of her family being separated during World War II and their eventual reunion.
  • Iwo Jima
    The story of the Battle of Iwo Jima during World War II, highlighting its strategic importance and the sacrifices made by American and Japanese troops.
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