Japanese Food Books

  • Japanese Food
    This story introduces various popular Japanese dishes, their origins, and how they are prepared. It also invites readers to share their favorite Japanese food.
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  • The Legend of Momotaro
    A popular Japanese folktale about a boy, born from a peach, who helps the local villagers fight a menacing band of demons.
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  • Japanese Food
    A collection of descriptions of various Japanese dishes, including sushi, ramen, sukiyaki, and more.
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  • Japanese Cultures
    An informative book about various aspects of Japanese culture, including traditions, religion, sports, food, tea, geisha, gardens, manga, samurai, kabuki, and cherry blossoms.
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  • Japanese Culture
    A child shares information about Japanese food, sports, martial arts, and personal experiences with Japan.
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  • Nature: A Haiku Collection
    A collection of haikus about various animals and natural phenomena, each with a question at the end.
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  • There's an Ant in My Soup!
    An funny way to learn about bugs, food, and the alphabet! Some poor unfortunate person is at a restaurant ordering food after food, finding a different insect that correspon…
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  • Japan
    This was a fun book to write. In this book you will find facts and history about Japan. Hope you enjoy!
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