Judicial Books

  • Three Branches Of Government
    An overview of the three branches of government in Texas and their roles.
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  • Judicial Branch
    A story about a giant and a dwarf who have a conflict over lunch money. It escalates to a court case and ends with the appointment of a new Chief of Justice.
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  • All About the Judicial Branch
    An introduction to the concept of laws, their purpose, and different types of laws in a democratic system.
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  • The Wonderful 3 Branches of Government
    An overview of the three branches of government and their functions, along with some qualifications and powers of each branch.
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  • Branches of Government
    An informative book that introduces the three branches of government in the United States and emphasizes the importance of their collaboration.
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  • The 3 Branches of Government
    This informative book explains the roles and functions of the three branches of the US government in a clear and concise manner.
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  • The Three Branches of Government.
    This is all about The Three Branches of Government this is a good book if your learning about it! If you are tell your teacher about it!
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  • 3 Branches of Government
    This book provides a basic overview of the three branches of the US government: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial.
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