Juggler Books

  • Rakib The Magical Juggler
    Rakib, a talented juggler, discovers his own magic and becomes the greatest entertainer in Baghdad.
  • Are You Ready to Twist Your Tongue!?
    This book explores the alphabet consonants using alliterations, rhymes, and tongue twisters. Enjoy
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  • The Juggler who could!!
    A juggler named Pier, with one arm, finds a prosthetic arm and becomes a better juggler. He inspires a young boy and realizes juggling makes people happy.
  • The Bold Juggler
    A juggler discovers magical apples that give him incredible juggling abilities, but he learns the importance of using his powers responsibly.
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  • The Juggler
    Pierre, a one-armed juggler, finds a prosthetic arm and becomes an amazing juggler. He inspires others and realizes the joy of making people happy.
  • The History of Nintendo
    This book is about the history of main Nintendo consoles and events.
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  • Justin the Juggler
    Justin prepares for a talent show by practicing juggling. His dog takes some balls, but returns them later. Justin wins the show.
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  • All Time Adventures
    next series of all time adventure will be released with a new book of mine the blazing sword twilight but i am sorry to tell that this new series will be released in the end …
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