Knoxville Books

  • Lila Faye Medley Price
    A family history of Great Grandma Lila, her parents, siblings, and life events from Mississippi to Tennessee during the Great Depression and World War II.
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  • Proper Nouns
    Ms. Hicks takes her students on a tour of Knoxville, discussing proper nouns and introducing famous people and landmarks.
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  • Action Verbs of Knoxville
    A tour of Knoxville, Tennessee, highlighting various attractions and activities in the city.
  • A Christmas Adventure Story
    Billy, a lawyer mistaken for a samurai, reminisces about his adventures with his 'wizard' dad and plans a trip to Knoxville.
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  • Mr. Bean's Journey Through Tennessee
    Mr. Bean asks for help to get to a party in Knoxville, Tennessee. With the reader's assistance, he successfully navigates from Memphis to Nashville and finally reaches Knoxvi…
  • At the Zoo with Ms. Hicks
    Students go on a field trip to the Knoxville Zoo and learn about various animals, including Tonka, the oldest African elephant in the world.
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  • What is a Poppy?
    A heartwarming tribute to a beloved grandfather figure, highlighting his qualities and impact on the author's life.
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  • Nancy Maye and Chickbait the Dog.
    A young child describes their dog Chickbait, a Chinese Crested Powderpuff mix, and their adventures together.
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