My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • A grammar master teaches about count and noncount nouns, adjectives, and their usage with examples.
    by Madison Hicks
    Eye Icon 132
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  • Davey goes on an adventure to meet his friends, including Rover, Ellie, and Terrance. They share about themselves and Davey learns valuable lessons.
    by Madison Hicks
    Eye Icon 3513
    Star Icon 22
  • Ms. Hicks takes her students on a tour of Knoxville, discussing proper nouns and introducing famous people and landmarks.
    by Madison Hicks
    Eye Icon 78
    Star Icon 2
  • Students go on a field trip to the Knoxville Zoo and learn about various animals, including Tonka, the oldest African elephant in the world.
    by Madison Hicks
    Eye Icon 194
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