Lake District Books

  • Lake District
    The Lake District in England is a popular holiday destination known for its lakes, forests, and mountains. It is the most visited national park in the UK.
  • Tourist Attractions in England
    A collection of descriptions of famous landmarks and attractions in England, including Stonehenge, Big Ben, Tower of London, Windsor Castle, Lake District National Park, Warw…
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  • Great Britain
    A travel guide to popular tourist attractions in England, including Stonehenge, Tower of London, Bath, Windsor Castle, Yorkshire, Cambridge, and Lake District National Park.
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  • Istituto Comprensivo
    This story provides information about various attractions in England, such as Buckingham Palace, the London Eye, Madame Tussaud's, shopping in London, Big Ben, parks in Londo…
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  • The story introduces a poem by William Wordsworth and provides background information about the poet. It also includes activities related to the poem and additional subjects …
    This book provides information about five famous landmarks in England: Hadrian's Wall, Warwick Castle, Lake District, Tower of London, and The Cotswolds.
  • Charlotte and Sammi
    Charlotte, an African Penguin, moves to Pengo and befriends Sammi. But when Sammi finds a new friend, Charlotte must navigate the loss of their friendship.
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  • Branson, Missouri
    A description of the attractions and activities in Branson, a popular tourist destination with theme parks, museums, a lake, shopping, and live entertainment.
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