Lanterns Books

  • Pinky and Jones
    A Monkey and a Pineapple find a magic bottle, a genie... and three wishes! What will they wish for? Be careful...
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  • The Beauty of Life & The Beauty of Nature
    Discover the beauty of the world in simple, relaxing pages and beautiful pictures.
    Eye Icon 7748
    Star Icon 474
  • The Legend of the Crystal Dragon
    A ferocious dragon guards a precious crystal until some heroic scientists befriend him and go on a journey to bring the crystal home.
    Eye Icon 27947
    Star Icon 840
  • The Sisters of Muffin Manor (Halloween Mystery)
    The Sisters of Muffin Manor are back with a Halloween adventure full of fun and mystery! Book #2 in the series.
    Eye Icon 10529
    Star Icon 527
  • Yi Peng Lantern Festival
    The Yi Peng Lantern Festival in Chiang Mai, Thailand is a celebration where thousands of rice paper lanterns called Khom Loi are released into the sky, symbolizing the releas…
    Eye Icon 143
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  • Batman and Superman
    Batman, Superman, and their superhero friends battle the Joker and Lex Luthor in a series of action-packed chapters.
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  • My Japanese Summer
    Lei, a girl from Japan, shares her favorite season, summer, and the tradition of going to the Obon festival with her mother. She describes the festival activities and express…
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  • The Little Prince
    Prince, a boy from India who now lives in America, shares his unique experiences and traditions, inviting readers to share their own.
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    Star Icon 31
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