Laozi Books

  • Daoism and Laozi
    The story of Chinese philosopher Laozi and his beliefs in Daoism, as well as the impact of his book, the Dao De Jing.
  • The Story of Laozi and Taoism
    Laozi writes a story about Taoism, a religion of peace. He shares it with the people of China, who begin to follow its teachings.
  • ABC's of AP World History
    An alphabetical list of terms related to history, religion, and culture, providing brief explanations for each term.
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  • Night at the Beliefs Museum
    A children's story book about 7 of the world beliefs. Includes Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Shintoism, and Daoism/Taoism.
  • Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism For children
    An overview of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism, including their founders, beliefs, holy books, afterlife beliefs, special beliefs, number of followers, and major geographi…
  • The Zhou Dynasty
    An overview of the Zhou dynasty in ancient China, including their territory, religion, achievements, government, money/goods, and society.
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  • Peter the Prince and John the Mentor
    The story is about a spoiled prince named Peter who learns valuable lessons about kindness, respect, and friendship from his mentor John. Through various stories, John teache…
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