Latin America Books

  • ABC's of Imperialism
    A brief overview of imperialism and its impact on various countries, including Africa, China, Japan, and Latin America.
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  • The Modern Age
    A brief biography of Christopher Columbus, his voyages, impact on the Americas, and cultural celebrations in Spain and Latin America.
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  • Poema Latino América presente progresivo
    This is a short story about Latin America made with sentences in Present Progressive underline to highlight the structure of the form of present progressive. This also add a …
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    The history of chocolate, from its bitter beginnings in ancient Latin America to its popularity in Europe and beyond.
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  • the advantures of latin america !
    A brief introduction to Christopher Columbus, deforestation, and various countries in Latin America.
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  • The Cuban Revolution
    A brief history of Cuba's revolution, from its origins in the struggle against Spanish colonialism to Fidel Castro's rise to power and the impact on Cuba and Latin America.
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  • Latin American Revolutions
    This book provides an overview of the Latin American Revolutions, highlighting key leaders and their contributions to independence.
  • ABC's of Latin America
    An alphabet book that introduces various terms related to history, geography, and culture.
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