Table of contents page 19: R is for
Page 2: A is for Africa page 11: J is for Japan page 20: S is for Sepoy mutiny
page 3: b is for Berlin conference page 12: K is for treaty of Kanagawa
page 4: C is for China page 13: L is for Latin American page 21: T is for Tai Ping Rebellion
page 5: D is for Dutch page 14: M is for Meiji page 22: U for United States
page 6: E is for Ethiopia page 15: N is for nationalism page 23: V is for
page 7: F for France page 16: O is for Opium war page 24: W is for
page 8: G is for page 17: P is for Perry, Matthew page 25: X is for
page 9: H is for Hong Kong page 18: Q is for Qing Dynasty page 26: Y is for
page 10:I is for Imperialism page 27: Z is for

is for Africa
The discovery of diamonds in South Africa increased European interest in colonization. The positive effects were life spans and literacy rates increased. The negative effects were Africans lost control of their lands and independence and valuable goods were taken out of the continent.

is for Berlin Conference
To prevent war, 14 European nations met at the Berlin conference in 1885 to lay down rules for the division of Africa. The effects were that Africa was chopped up into areas that would be colonized by various European countries

is for China

The Qing Dynasty was slowly declining and was trying to find new areas for trade. China tried to the limit the areas Europeans could trade which lead to unfavorable trade balance. The British traded opium to the Chinese for silver and tea. This lead to an opium war and China was defeated. The treaty of Nanjing ended the war.

is for Dutch

The Dutch were colonists in South Africa. They were involved in the war against the British for control of territory in South Africa. The reason they wanted this territory was when there was a discovery of diamonds.

is for Ethiopia

It was the only country during the 19th and 20th century that was not dominated by a European country. It is in eastern Africa.

is for France

France was the second largest nation to colonize in South Africa. It was a very strong force in European colonization.

is for Great Britain

There was British imperialism in Africa and they played a great role in Africa's imperialism. They were able to imperialize a big part of Africa and set up colonies. They also practiced imperialism to spread there way of life.

is for Hong Kong

Hong Kong, after the Opium war, China was forced to sign the Treaty of Nanjing. This gave Britain Hong Kong. Hong Kong is located in China.

is for imperialism

When a stronger nation takes over a weaker nation and dominates it's economic, political, and social life. An example if this was when Africa was imperialized by European nations.

is for Japan

The Meiji reforms gave Japan power and respect. Japanese nationalism lead to the end of western extraterritorial rights and unequal trade treaties. Japan's victories over China and Russia transformed Japan into the dominant force in Asia. So the western nations relied on Japan to keep order in Asia. Then Japanese imperialism surged again in the 1930s and 1940s.

is for treaty of Kanagawa

Perry gave Japan time to consider the establishment of external relations. He returned and on March 31 signed the treaty of kanagawa. This opened Japan to trading with the United States.

is for Latin America

Latin America was being imperialised by European countries. The United States joined sides with Latin America so Latin America can be protected from nations worldwide. The U.S. is bound together with Latin America because of shared values.

is for Meiji

When emperor Mutsuhito took control of the government, after Tokugawa Shogunate stepped down, he took the title "Meiji"(enlightened rule). He modernized, to end western influence, and transformed Japan into the most industrial and militarized nation.

is for nationalism

The feeling of nationalism and pride for their nation united and fueled the rebellion of Africans and Chinese. Nationalism was very important during the imperialist era.

is for Opium War

The British tried to trade Opium to the Chinese for silver and tea. This shifted the balance of trade in favor for the Europeans. China tried to ban the British from trading Opium within the country. Britain responded with force and crushed the Chinese rebellion.

is for Perry, Matthew

In 1853, Matthew Perry arrived in Tokyo harbor with 4 steamships and demanded that the Japanese trade with the U.S.A. The Japanese officials knew they were over matched. When Matthew Perry returned in 1854, Japanese officials signed the Treaty of Kanagawa. This opened two ports to the american merchants.

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Table of contents page 19: R is for
Page 2: A is for Africa page 11: J is for Japan page 20: S is for Sepoy mutiny
page 3: b is for Berlin conference page 12: K is for treaty of Kanagawa
page 4: C is for China page 13: L is for Latin American page 21: T is for Tai Ping Rebellion
page 5: D is for Dutch page 14: M is for Meiji page 22: U for United States
page 6: E is for Ethiopia page 15: N is for nationalism page 23: V is for
page 7: F for France page 16: O is for Opium war page 24: W is for
page 8: G is for page 17: P is for Perry, Matthew page 25: X is for
page 9: H is for Hong Kong page 18: Q is for Qing Dynasty page 26: Y is for
page 10:I is for Imperialism page 27: Z is for

is for Africa
The discovery of diamonds in South Africa increased European interest in colonization. The positive effects were life spans and literacy rates increased. The negative effects were Africans lost control of their lands and independence and valuable goods were taken out of the continent.

is for Berlin Conference
To prevent war, 14 European nations met at the Berlin conference in 1885 to lay down rules for the division of Africa. The effects were that Africa was chopped up into areas that would be colonized by various European countries

is for China

The Qing Dynasty was slowly declining and was trying to find new areas for trade. China tried to the limit the areas Europeans could trade which lead to unfavorable trade balance. The British traded opium to the Chinese for silver and tea. This lead to an opium war and China was defeated. The treaty of Nanjing ended the war.

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