Imperialism Books

  • ABC's of Imperialism
    A brief overview of the major events and impacts of European imperialism in Africa, Asia, and the Americas.
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  • ABC's of Imperialism
    A brief overview of imperialism and its impact on various countries, including Africa, China, Japan, and Latin America.
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  • Imperialism
    A story about sharks growing bigger, taking over smaller fish's homes, and fighting for power. The fish are affected by the sharks' actions.
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  • ABC's of Imperialism
    An alphabetical exploration of imperialism, covering topics from Africa to Zinc, with a focus on its impact on nations and cultures.
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  • Spanish-American War
    This book focuses on the background information that leads America into the Spanish-American war. It was written to review concepts of yellow journalism and world power.
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  • ABC's of Imperialism
    A collection of short descriptions about various topics related to imperialism, including events, countries, and concepts.
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  • The Super Hero
    A story about super heroes and villains living in Phoenix, with symbolism representing imperialism and colonialism.
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  • The Age of Imperialism
    Tommy, a boy who faces various challenges and conflicts with friends and bullies, learns important life lessons along the way.
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