Table Of Contents:
-Page 2: A is for Africa -Page 11: J is for Japan -Page 20: S is for Spanish-American War
-Page 3: B is for Berlin Conference -Page 12: K is for Korea -Page 21: T is for Treaty of Kanagawa
-Page 4: C is for China -Page 13: L is for Loss of Sovereignty -Page 22: U is for United States of America
-Page 5: D is for Dutch -Page 14: M is for Monroe Doctrine -Page 23: V is for Vietnam
-Page 6: E is for Ethiopia -Page 15: N is for North America -Page 24: W is for White Man's Burden
-Page 7: F is for France -Page 16: O is for Open Door Policy -Page 25: X is for Xenophobia
-Page 8: G is for Great Britain -Page 17: P is for Platt Amendment -Page 26: Y is for Yellow Journalism
-Page 9: H is for Hawaii -Page 18: Q is for Queen Liliuokalani -Page 27: Z is for Zulu
-Page 10: I is for India -Page 19: R is for Russia

is for Africa
The discovery of salt, diamonds, and gold in Africa peaked the interest of other nations. They divided Africa between them. This reduced local warfare and the life spans increased because sanitation was provided, but Africans lost control of their lands and independence and the division of Africa unnaturally divided groups.

is for Berlin Conference
Once salt, diamonds, and gold was discovered in Africa, many nations wanted those resources and control of Africa. Fourteen European nations met at a conference in 1885 to lay down rules for the division of Africa and to prevent war, but no African ruler was invited.

is for China

The British traded Opium to the Chinese, which shifted the balance of trade in favor of the Europeans. China tried to ban Opium but the British were stronger and took control. Chinese peasants revolted in response to economic pressure from the government. The Chinese government eventually gained control again by asking for European help.

is for Dutch

In 1602, the Dutch were some of the first people to colonize other countries. They took control of India, long before the British. Life in Indonesia was also very harsh under the Dutch and there were many torture methods used. The Dutch also colonized some of South Africa and the Americas.

is for Ethiopia

Ethiopia was the only African nation that successfully resisted the Europeans. It started with Italy trying to take over Ethiopia, but the war ended in both sides signing the treaty of Wuchale, which was a peace agreement. Italy declared war on Ethiopia again in 1895, which Ethiopia won, and it was established the Ethiopia had a very strong military.

is for France

France was a very strong force in European colonization in South Africa. France was the second largest nation to colonize in South Africa, after England. From 1954 to 1962, France tried to keep its colony in North Africa, Algeria. There was a very brutal war, with thousands killed.

is for Great Britain

Great Britain was the most powerful country in the imperialism of Africa. They managed to imperialize a large chunk of the continent and set up colonies in the continent. Great Britain also managed to imperialize China and India.

is for Hawaii

The United States of America imperialized Hawaii in 1898. The Americans overthrew Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii and Hawaii was annexed by the USA on July 21, 1898.

is for India

Great Britain imperialized India but there were many problems. In 1857, an argument broke out between the British East India Company and the Sepoys. There was a rumor that the British were using cow and pig fat to grease bullets in the Sepoy's guns that caused an uprising which the British crushed. After the mutiny, the British took direct control of the government.

is for Japan

The U.S. demanded trade from Japan, but the citizens and emperor didn't want to end up imperialized like China. The meiji decided that the best way to avoid western influence was to modernize. Modernization in that era transformed Japan into the most industrial and militarized nation in Asia.

is for Korea

After Japan becomes modernized, they decide to invade Korea. Korea will be imperialized and a colony of Japan from 1872-1885. In 1984, the Sino-Japanese War begins as Japan and China fight over control of Korea. After the war, China gave up influence in Korea, but Korea's Queen Min was assassinated by Japanese forces.

is for Loss of Sovereignty

Many of the countries that were imperialized, including China, Korea, Hawaii, India, and Ethiopia, lost their rulers when they were imperialized. In Hawaii, Queen Liliuokalani was overthrown and in China, the Chinese government was controlled by the British.

is for Monroe Doctrine

Written in 1823, the Monroe Doctrine basically tells European nations that the U.S. will not tolerate further colonization or puppet monarchs. Soon after though, the U.S. starts to imperialize other countries, because they realize that they are losing power.

is for North America

The U.S. dominated North America, taking control of many small islands, including Hawaii. While the U.S. did a lot of imperializing, Mexico and Canada didn't really imperialize, or at least not as much as the U.S.

is for Open Door Policy

In 1899, the U.S. declared an Open Door Policy on China. This policy said that all nations or ports had equal rights when trading with China. It aimed to both enhance global trade and to promote China's welfare and sovereignty.

is for Platt Amendment

On March 2, 1901, the Platt Amendment was passed. It stipulated seven conditions for the withdrawal of United States troops remaining in Cuba at the end of the Spanish-American War.

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Table Of Contents:
-Page 2: A is for Africa -Page 11: J is for Japan -Page 20: S is for Spanish-American War
-Page 3: B is for Berlin Conference -Page 12: K is for Korea -Page 21: T is for Treaty of Kanagawa
-Page 4: C is for China -Page 13: L is for Loss of Sovereignty -Page 22: U is for United States of America
-Page 5: D is for Dutch -Page 14: M is for Monroe Doctrine -Page 23: V is for Vietnam
-Page 6: E is for Ethiopia -Page 15: N is for North America -Page 24: W is for White Man's Burden
-Page 7: F is for France -Page 16: O is for Open Door Policy -Page 25: X is for Xenophobia
-Page 8: G is for Great Britain -Page 17: P is for Platt Amendment -Page 26: Y is for Yellow Journalism
-Page 9: H is for Hawaii -Page 18: Q is for Queen Liliuokalani -Page 27: Z is for Zulu
-Page 10: I is for India -Page 19: R is for Russia

is for Africa
The discovery of salt, diamonds, and gold in Africa peaked the interest of other nations. They divided Africa between them. This reduced local warfare and the life spans increased because sanitation was provided, but Africans lost control of their lands and independence and the division of Africa unnaturally divided groups.

is for Berlin Conference
Once salt, diamonds, and gold was discovered in Africa, many nations wanted those resources and control of Africa. Fourteen European nations met at a conference in 1885 to lay down rules for the division of Africa and to prevent war, but no African ruler was invited.

is for China

The British traded Opium to the Chinese, which shifted the balance of trade in favor of the Europeans. China tried to ban Opium but the British were stronger and took control. Chinese peasants revolted in response to economic pressure from the government. The Chinese government eventually gained control again by asking for European help.

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