Lebanon Books

  • Baalbek (Lebanon)
    A brief introduction to Baalbek, a city in Lebanon known for its Roman temples, cuisine, and festivals.
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  • All About Lebanon
    A student forgets to study for a test on Lebanon but receives help from a knowledgeable friend who provides information about Lebanon's geography, climate, agriculture, popul…
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  • Country Overview: Palestine
    These are the notes of a young girl learning about Palestine and her Palestinian heritage.
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  • Lucy moves to Lebanon
    Lucy, a girl from Ireland, moves to Lebanon with her dad. She adjusts to the new country, makes friends, and learns about the similarities between Lebanon and Ireland.
  • My Journey Part 1
    A young girl named Mirna introduces herself, her country Lebanon, her family, traditions, and language.
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    The Phoenicians were an ancient civilization from modern-day Lebanon. They were skilled navigators, inventors, and traders. They worshipped multiple gods and had important ci…
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  • Jedo’s Tale: An Appetizing Journey Around Lebanon
    Grandpa Hani shares his love for Lebanon's food, language, and culture with his granddaughter Aya, inspiring them to plan an exciting holiday.
  • Easter Eggs
    Salua wakes up to a noisy morning with her family. They are preparing to color eggs for Holy Saturday, a tradition in their Lebanese culture.
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