Legally Binding Books

  • Contracts
    The story explains what a contract is and its importance in everyday life, encouraging readers to learn about its five characteristics.
  • Horror Story
    A father tells his son a horror story about climate change, which comes true the next day. They discuss the causes and effects of climate change and what can be done to mitig…
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  • The preamble
    A child explains the importance of the Constitution and its principles in a simple and enthusiastic manner.
    This book highlights the importance of protecting children's rights and well-being, offering guidance on how to support and empower them for a better future.
  • I AM ...
    A brief introduction to the key elements of a contract, including offer, acceptance, genuine agreement, capacity, and legality.
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  • I am Benjamin Franklin
    A biography of Benjamin Franklin, highlighting his early life, inventions, political accomplishments, and personal life.
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  • The Ouchies of Dancing 7th Grade Dance Focus
    A book about common dance injuries, their causes, treatments, and some fun facts. Includes a glossary and resources.
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  • ABC's of Colonial America
    An alphabetical list of terms related to colonial America, including people, places, and concepts.
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