Leisure Activities Books

  • Unit 1: Leisure activities
    The story discusses the importance of sports in our lives, particularly in Russia, and promotes a healthy lifestyle through exercise.
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  • My Daily Routine
    A simple daily routine of a person from waking up to going to sleep, including personal care, school, and leisure activities.
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  • Go study aboard to where ?
    A guide to studying abroad in New Zealand, covering topics such as cost, universities, accommodation, transportation, leisure activities, and cultural aspects.
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  • My Routine
    A child describes their daily routine on weekdays and weekends, including school, meals, leisure activities, and chores.
  • Pastimes of Spain
    This book introduces various cultural and outdoor pastimes in Spain, including flamenco dance, bullfighting, soccer, mountain activities, and coastal leisure. It also highlig…
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  • English Culture
    A list of various topics related to England, including food, seasons, sight-seeing, leisure activities, and English culture.
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  • e
    Orkun describes his daily routine from waking up to going to bed, including school, homework, and leisure activities.
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  • Leisure and Play
    This book provides a brief overview of leisure activities, religion, and social classes in the Victorian era.
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