Leonardo Da Vinci Books

  • Who was: Leonardo Da Vinci?
    This story is all about Leonardo da Vinci, a famous inventor, with a heart of steel.
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  • Leonardo Da Vinci
    The story provides a brief biography of Leonardo da Vinci, highlighting his upbringing, apprenticeship, achievements as an artist and inventor, and the impact of his work.
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  • Leonardo's Life of Art
    A biography of Leonardo da Vinci, his life, works, and inventions.
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  • Leonardo da Vinci
    The life and achievements of Leonardo da Vinci, from his birth in Italy to his work as a painter, engineer, and philosopher.
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  • Da Fraction Hero
    Cameron, a fraction superhero, helps two kids divide candy equally. They eventually find a solution and thank him.
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  • Scientists
    This book introduces three famous scientists - Marie Curie, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Ada Lovelace - and their contributions to the world. It also includes additional informatio…
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