Lesson Planning Books

  • StoryJumper
    A review of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of using StoryJumper, a website for creating children's books.
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  • Road Signs ...and lessons along the way
    A Brain Development book for toddlers who respond to abstract art in early childhood by increasing and accelerating neural brain connections. Also, a book to teach toddlers a…
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  • Travis and Friends
    Four best friends get into trouble when they steal apples from a farmer. They work together to escape and learn a lesson about gratitude.
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  • I Used to Think........ But Now I Think......
    A 4th grade math teacher reflects on how technology can enhance classroom learning and engagement.
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  • The Final Reflection I Used to Think..., but Now I Think...
    A teacher reflects on their journey of integrating technology into their teaching practice, discussing changes in lesson planning, use of Google tools, concept mapping, video…
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  • I used to think...Now I think...
    The story discusses the author's changing perspective on technology in the classroom and the various ways it can be used to enhance learning.
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  • Felicia Fox and the Case of the Missing Carrot Cake
    Felicia Fox, a detective, solves the mystery of a missing carrot cake. She interviews suspects and discovers the culprit.
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  • Foskey's Pizzeria
    Mrs. Foskey teaches a fun and engaging lesson on fractions using pizza, hands-on activities, and group work.
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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