Letter G Books

  • Back Up Duck!
    A duck realizes how much life is clearer (and safer) after he gets glasses from the eye doctor.
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    In this interactive book, try to find the hidden letters to create the word!
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  • My Alphabet Rhymes
    This is a fun way for children to interact with the letters of the alphabet using familiar characters and rhymes.
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  • Gavin's G Book
    A fun and interactive story where characters ask each other what begins with the letter G, leading to a surprising conclusion.
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  • ABC's
    An alphabet book that introduces each letter with a corresponding word and illustration.
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  • A is for Animal
    An alphabet book that introduces various animals from A to Z, each representing a different letter.
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  • Halina's Book
    I wrote this book for my granddaughter Halina, who lives in St. Louis and likes to fly all over the USA to visit family. Once she got very angry when her parents would not l…
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  • The English Alphabet
    A collection of short sentences introducing various objects, animals, and letters of the alphabet.
    Eye Icon 684
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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